We're sorry.

We've gotten some concerning messages from customers letting us know that the packaging used by our fulfilment center have resulted in some dented items and damaged labels.

We understand the frustration and disappointment this may have caused and we want to assure you that we are communicating with our fulfilment center and supplying additional packaging materials to prevent this issue from occurring on any orders placed after January 5th.

In the event of any dents, we want to assure you that integrity of the olive oil inside is perfectly preserved. Dents are purely cosmetic damages and do not affect the quality of your EVOO in any way.

Again, we are truly sorry if you received dented items. As a token of our appreciation for your understanding and in the hopes that you will give us another chance, we'd like to offer you a $10 off coupon (see below) to apply towards your next order.

If your items were significantly damaged and you need further assistance, please contact us as soon as possible so we can help.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support,

Enrico & Cate

$10 Coupon: 202410OFF

note: this code only works for those who purchased from us before January 6th.

Need Further Assistance?

If your items were significantly damaged or leaking, please reach out to us as soon as possible.

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