
"The Coin and the Bread"

Your EVOO is From...

Soddepai: Where Nature's Evolution Unveils Its Mysteries

Soddepai, known as "the bread coin" in the enchanting Sardinian language, unfolds a tale of transformation within its hallowed grounds.

Once adorned with sprawling vineyards, this sacred land in Villacidro witnessed the passing of time as olive trees were planted to demarcate the borders among landowners. However, nature had its own design in mind. As the olive trees grew in stature, their majestic presence gradually eclipsed the once-prominent vines, marking an unforeseen evolution.

In this captivating interplay, Soddepai reveals the intricate dance of nature's forces. The land speaks a language of transition, where the verdant olive trees now hold sway, standing as a testament to the enduring resilience of Sardinia's heritage.


Acquired in 2022


Nera Di Villacidro


Early Nov - Mid Dec

Soddepai Gallery

Groves at Soddepai - Traceable Olive Oil Tree Locator
 Soddepai - Traceable Olive Oil Tree Locator
 Soddepai - Traceable Olive Oil Tree Locator